Great Suggestions For The Effective Use Of Grammar In An Essay

Essays are one of the most important part of the curriculum throughout the academic journey of a student. It starts pretty early and goes on till the higher levels of education. There are different types of essays that allow the writer to explore different writing styles, but one aspect that is of vital important in all the cases is the grammar.

Good grammar makes the writing pleasant to read and easily understandable as well. The quality of the language used is of vital importance and it is as important as the topic and the other structural details. Poor grammar can kill the spark and deter readers from taking keen interest in the writing. Therefore the write up should be grammatically perfect, before everything else.

A grammatically correct essay shows your grip on the language, without which it would not be possible for you to produce quality content on a particular topic. Proofreading is thus highly important after writing an essay. You may make minor grammatical errors while writing in a flow, but by rechecking the article you can correct those errors.

Great suggestions for the effective use of grammar in an essay

Even though proof reading is highly important, there are other ways as well to ensure that your essay is free of grammatical error. Sometimes you might get stuck with a tricky sentence. In such cases you may make use of some effective knowledge that would help you clear out the confusion.

  • Using commas and semi colons in an essay is necessary, without which it would appear drab and insipid. If you find the technicalities of using these punctuation too difficult to remember then try to read it out loud after you write the article. Wherever you feel like pausing use the punctuations. For a shorter pause, a comma would be appropriate whereas for a longer one semi colon would be applicable.
  • Be careful while using abbreviations. If the abbreviations that you are using are not universally accepted it might confuse your readers.
  • The referents you use should not have any anomaly. Thus when you are using ‘it’ or ‘that point’ or ‘those’, you readers should be able to comprehend what you are referring at.
  • Make sure you do not use ‘that’ to refer to a person.
  • Italics and underlines do not go together technically. So if you have used one you cannot use the other since they mean the same.