How to End a Compare and Contrast Essay: Great Techniques

All well-written academic assignments should contain at least three components: a beginning, middle, and an end. These components are also referred to as the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. In this article we are going to focus on one component: how to write a great ending. When it comes to writing a great compare and contrast essay there are a few really good techniques one can follow to end the paper in a way that your reader remembers it well after he or she has set it aside. Here are some of the best ones to try:

Presenting Your Opinion on the Subject:

This kind of assignment requires that you present evidence with an objective point of view. That is to say you aren’t really providing a personal opinion in the body paragraphs and are instead presenting two sides of your compare and contrast essay evenly. However, you could set aside a couple of sentences in your concluding paragraph to present your personal opinion on your topic. Remember that formal academic writing shouldn’t use the pronoun “I” so be sure you state your opinion in the third person.

Paraphrasing Your Original Thesis Statement:

As you may know, the best place to put your thesis statement is at the end of your introductory paragraph. It’s a good spot because it gives the reader a clear understanding of the scope of your compare and contrast essay and what it is you are trying to accomplish. A great way of starting your concluding paragraph is to simply restate your thesis statement in different words. This serves to remind the reader of your original intent and provides a great segue for the following sentences which should be a summation and synthesis of the topics you have covered in the body paragraphs.

Stating the Larger Implications of the Essay:

The last suggested technique for ending your compare and contrast essay is to indicate the larger implications of the topic you have presented to your reader. What does your evidence show and what does it mean in terms of further study or research? Your conclusion should never include new evidence. All information should be contained in your body paragraphs with you briefly citing what you have already discussed and how it could be used to help the reader come to a new understanding of the information you have presented objectively.
